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Breaking free from Anxiety: Cosmoenergy approach

Anxiety is a red flag to look inwards and start asking yourself questions what’s wrong with my energy flows? Cosmoenergy attunes your chakras to the flawless natural energies of our Universe to reveal where your blockages lie, open them up and release the tension.


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Breaking free from Anxiety: Cosmoenergy approach

Anxiety is a red flag to look inwards and start asking yourself questions what’s wrong with my energy flows? Cosmoenergy attunes your chakras to the flawless natural energies of our Universe to reveal where your blockages lie, open them up and release the tension.

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Cosmoenergy Expert and Space Startup Vice-President

4 years as a diplomat, 4 years - anticorruption officer, I would never realize my psychic potential if not going spontaneously to India in 2023. Since then I have been helping people realize themselves as beings whose souls transcend physical bodies and explore many metaphysical dimensions of being alive.

"Your anxiety is a voice of your soul trying to speak to you through the clutter of your mind. Be with me this webinar to get attuned to your real self and your natural energy flows."


Cosmoenergy Expert and Space Startup Vice-President

4 years as a diplomat, 4 years - anticorruption officer, I would never realize my psychic potential if not going spontaneously to India in 2023. Since then I have been helping people realize themselves as beings whose souls transcend physical bodies and explore many metaphysical dimensions of being alive.

"Your anxiety is a voice of your soul trying to speak to you through the clutter of your mind. Be with me this webinar to get attuned to your real self and your natural energy flows."

Webinar Content

Introduction to Cosmoenergy, Chakras and Energy Bodies concept

Immersion into every Chakra and its role in our well-being

Cosmoenergy response to chakras' disbalance

Questions & Answers

Natural Tools For Chakra Balancing

The 7 Chakras live meditation

Webinar Structure

Duration: 2 hours

Your Webinar Benefits

Effective practices, real time healing experience

An understanding of how human energies work and how to balance them

Personalised answers to your questions from an expert

Gifts For Participants


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