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Join the SHAMTAM community

At SHAMTAM.COM, we are dedicated to building transformative partnerships with creators passionate about spirituality and holistic growth. Here's our process: Invitation and Onboarding 🎉 We invite creators aligned with our values in niches like yoga, spirituality, and culture. Accepted creators receive a warm welcome and detailed onboarding instructions. Customized Offers and Discounts 💌 We provide personalized discount codes and commission offers. Standard offerings include a 10% discount, with customizable tiers for different campaigns. Seamless Collaboration 🤝 Using Shopify Collabs, we manage applications, track sales, and handle automatic payments. We send gifts and exclusive offers to collaborators for authentic promotion. Continuous Support and Engagement 📈 Our team offers ongoing support, marketing materials, and engagement. Creators can follow our Instagram @shamtamcom for updates. Join us at SHAMTAM.COM and embark on a transformative journey! 🌿🧘‍♂️🔮

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Partnership opportunities

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Gifting
  • Discount codes
  • Campaigns
  • Content creation
  • Usage rights
  • Additional opportunities