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Heart Chakra Balance - Anahata Collection for Emotional Healing

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Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing Tools

The Solar Plexus chakra, also known as Manipura, is associated with personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. Here are various tools to help balance and energize this important energy center:


• Citrine: Known as the "success stone," citrine boosts confidence and personal power. • Tiger's Eye: Enhances willpower and courage. • Yellow Topaz: Promotes self-confidence and clarity of purpose. • Amber: Helps in manifesting goals and increasing motivation.

Essential Oils and Scents

• Lemon: Uplifting and energizing, perfect for stimulating the solar plexus. • Bergamot: Promotes confidence and optimism. • Ginger: Warming and empowering, helps to ignite inner fire. • Rosemary: Enhances mental clarity and confidence.


• Sandalwood: Promotes grounding and self-assurance. • Cinnamon: Boosts self-confidence and personal power. • Lemongrass: Uplifting and purifying, helps to clear negative energy. • Frankincense: Enhances spiritual awareness and inner strength.

Singing Bowls

Solar Plexus chakra crystal singing bowls are tuned to the musical note "E". When played, they emit vibrations that:

• Inspire creativity and passion • Help cultivate a sense of personal power • Allow creative expression to flow freely • Balance and energize the solar plexus chakra

How to Use These Tools

By using these gemstones, scents, essential oils, incense, and singing bowls, you can create a powerful practice to balance and energize your Solar Plexus chakra, promoting confidence, personal power, and self-esteem.