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Ekadashi: Spiritual and Health Benefits of Fasting + Calendar Until 2030

Ekadashi: Spiritual and Health Benefits of Fasting + Calendar Until 2030 - SHAMTAM

Alex Pervov |

In the tapestry of Hindu spirituality, Ekadashi stands out as a sacred observance that intertwines the threads of devotion, wellbeing, and self-discipline. This time-honored tradition, deeply rooted in the spiritual landscape of India, invites adherents to engage in periodic fasting, reflecting a profound commitment to both spiritual growth and physical health. Ekadashi, observed on the eleventh day of the lunar cycle, is more than a mere ritual; it is a gateway to higher consciousness and a healthier lifestyle, embraced by millions seeking a deeper connection with the divine and their own inner selves.

The forthcoming sections will delve into the historical and cultural significance of Ekadashi, shedding light on its origins and the myriad ways it enriches the Hindu faith. Exploring the spiritual benefits, this article will highlight how Ekadashi fasting is a powerful tool for self-reflection, purification, and attunement with the divine. The health benefits cannot be overlooked, with the practice offering a respite for the body, aligning perfectly with principles of ayurvedic wellbeing and modern health perspectives. A comprehensive guide on how to observe Ekadashi will provide readers with practical steps to embark on this spiritually rewarding journey, culminating in a conclusion that ties together the profound impacts of Ekadashi on the mind, body, and soul.

Historical and Cultural Significance of Ekadashi

Origin of Ekadashi

The genesis of Ekadashi is steeped in Hindu mythology, tracing back to a time when the demon Murdanav threatened the cosmic order. Lord Vishnu, in a meditative repose, was approached by Murdanav with malicious intent. In a divine act of protection, a luminous figure, a woman embodying spiritual might, emerged from Vishnu's eleventh sense, often symbolized as the mind. This figure, who would come to be known as Ekadashi, challenged Murdanav to combat as a condition for marriage. Upon defeating him, she was blessed by Vishnu, who decreed that fasting on Ekadashi would lead to spiritual liberation, or moksha.

Cultural Importance in Hinduism

Ekadashi holds a venerable place within Hindu culture, particularly among followers of Vaishnavism who worship Lord Vishnu as the supreme deity. This day is not only about abstaining from food but also about controlling the eleven senses, aligning actions from worldly desires towards spiritual devotion. The observance of Ekadashi is highlighted in various scriptures, including the Bhagavata Purana, where it is noted that even ancient kings like Ambarisha devoutly observed this fast. The cultural fabric of Hinduism is interwoven with tales of Ekadashi, underscoring its role in fostering discipline, spiritual insight, and the pursuit of a higher existential plane. Observing Ekadashi is believed to purify the soul and mind, aiding devotees in their journey towards enlightenment and harmony.

Historical and Cultural Significance of Ekadashi

Spiritual Benefits of Observing Ekadashi

Deepening Devotion and Spiritual Connection

Observing Ekadashi is profoundly rooted in enhancing spiritual devotion. On this sacred day, individuals dedicate themselves to prayer, meditation, and contemplation, fostering a deeper connection with the divine. The act of fasting, seen as a gesture of humility and surrender, signifies a devotee's earnest commitment and reverence towards spiritual growth. This practice not only strengthens one's spiritual foundation but also enriches the emotional and psychological aspects of their life by providing clarity and a renewed sense of purpose.

Purification of Mind and Spirit

Fasting on Ekadashi serves as a spiritual cleanse, purifying both mind and spirit. By abstaining from food and worldly distractions, individuals engage in a process of self-reflection and introspection. This allows them to detach from negative thoughts and emotions, facilitating a release that rejuvenates their mental and spiritual well-being. The purification achieved during Ekadashi is believed to aid in reducing the burden of negative karma, paving the way for spiritual enlightenment and fostering inner peace. This detoxification is not only spiritual but also contributes to physical health, aligning with the principles of holistic wellbeing.

Health Benefits of Ekadashi Fasting

Detoxification and Improved Digestion

Fasting on Ekadashi allows the body to undergo significant detoxification and cleansing. By abstaining from solid foods and opting for light, sattvic meals or not eating at all, the digestive system is given a much-needed break. This cessation from regular eating habits helps the body eliminate accumulated toxins, enhances liver function, and promotes cellular repair and rejuvenation. Additionally, Ekadashi fasting aids in regulating and improving digestion. The digestive system, having been rested, can reset and function more efficiently. This includes the stimulation of digestive enzymes, improved gut health, and better nutrient absorption, which collectively contribute to a balanced metabolism and aid in weight management and overall well-being.

Enhancement of Immune System

The practice of fasting during Ekadashi is also linked to a strengthened immune system. The temporary break from constant digestion allows the body’s resources to be redirected towards repairing and fortifying the immune system. This shift not only helps protect against various illnesses but also boosts vitality and enhances overall well-being. Observing Ekadashi aligns with the natural cycles of the body, which periodically indicate days when food is not necessary. Respecting these cycles by fasting can lead to improved health and the efficient functioning of the body, as it provides the necessary time for internal adjustments and recovery.

How to Observe Ekadashi

Observing Ekadashi involves a deep spiritual commitment and adherence to specific fasting rules dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The ritual, known as Ekadashi Vratham, is observed on the eleventh day of both the waxing moon (Shukla Paksha) and the waning moon (Krishna Paksha). Here are the steps and guidelines for observing this sacred fast:

Different Types of Fasting

  1. 💧Jalahar: Devotees consume only water throughout the day.
  2. 🥛Ksheerbhoji: This involves intake of only milk and milk products.
  3. 🍎Phalahari: Devotees are allowed to eat fruits only.
  4. 🌅Naktabhoji: A single meal is consumed just before sunset, excluding any grains like rice or wheat. Suitable foods include Sabudana, Singhada, Shakarkandi, Potatoes, and Groundnuts.

Tips for a Successful Fast

  • Preparation: Begin the fast at sunrise after taking a purifying bath. It's crucial to recite the Vishnu mantra, "Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya," to invoke spiritual blessings.
  • Dietary Restrictions: Avoid all types of grains, meat, fish, onions, and garlic. Instead, opt for fruits, paneer, ghee, and non-grain flours like singhare ka atta, kuttu ka atta, and rajgira ka atta.
  • Nirjala Ekadashi: For those observing the strictest form of fasting, even water is not consumed. It's essential to prepare mentally and physically for this to avoid health issues.
  • Behavioral Conduct: Maintain a demeanor of non-violence, honesty, and charity throughout the day to enhance spiritual benefits.
  • Physical and Mental Preparation: Ensure that your body and mind are adequately prepared. Engage in spiritual practices or sadhana to support the fasting process.
  • Handling Hunger: If experiencing extreme hunger, placing a nellikai (Indian gooseberry) in the mouth can help manage digestive juices and curb the urge to eat.

By following these guidelines, devotees can observe Ekadashi in a manner that honors the spiritual significance of the day while ensuring physical and mental well-being.

Ekadashi Calendar 2024-2030

Ekadashi Dates 2024-2030

Ekadashi Calendar 2024

  • January 7 (Saphala Ekadashi)
  • January 22 (Putrada Ekadashi)
  • February 6 (Shattila Ekadashi)
  • February 21 (Jaya Ekadashi)
  • March 7 (Vijaya Ekadashi)
  • March 22 (Amalaki Ekadashi)
  • April 6 (Papmochani Ekadashi)
  • April 20 (Kamada Ekadashi)
  • May 5 (Varuthini Ekadashi)
  • May 20 (Mohini Ekadashi)
  • June 4 (Apara Ekadashi)
  • June 19 (Nirjala Ekadashi)
  • July 4 (Yogini Ekadashi)
  • July 18 (Devshayani Ekadashi)
  • August 2 (Kamika Ekadashi)
  • August 17 (Pavitra Ekadashi)
  • September 1 (Aja Ekadashi)
  • September 16 (Parsva Ekadashi)
  • October 1 (Indira Ekadashi)
  • October 15 (Papankusha Ekadashi)
  • October 30 (Rama Ekadashi)
  • November 14 (Devutthana Ekadashi)
  • November 28 (Utapanna Ekadashi)
  • December 13 (Mokshada Ekadashi)
  • December 27 (Saphala Ekadashi)

Ekadashi Calendar 2025

  • January 11 (Putrada Ekadashi)
  • January 26 (Shattila Ekadashi)
  • February 10 (Jaya Ekadashi)
  • February 25 (Vijaya Ekadashi)
  • March 12 (Amalaki Ekadashi)
  • March 27 (Papmochani Ekadashi)
  • April 11 (Kamada Ekadashi)
  • April 25 (Varuthini Ekadashi)
  • May 10 (Mohini Ekadashi)
  • May 25 (Apara Ekadashi)
  • June 9 (Nirjala Ekadashi)
  • June 23 (Yogini Ekadashi)
  • July 9 (Devshayani Ekadashi)
  • July 24 (Kamika Ekadashi)
  • August 7 (Pavitra Ekadashi)
  • August 22 (Aja Ekadashi)
  • September 6 (Parsva Ekadashi)
  • September 21 (Indira Ekadashi)
  • October 5 (Papankusha Ekadashi)
  • October 20 (Rama Ekadashi)
  • November 4 (Devutthana Ekadashi)
  • November 18 (Utapanna Ekadashi)
  • December 3 (Mokshada Ekadashi)
  • December 18 (Saphala Ekadashi)

Ekadashi Calendar 2026

  • January 2 (Putrada Ekadashi)
  • January 17 (Shattila Ekadashi)
  • February 1 (Jaya Ekadashi)
  • February 16 (Vijaya Ekadashi)
  • March 3 (Amalaki Ekadashi)
  • March 18 (Papmochani Ekadashi)
  • April 2 (Kamada Ekadashi)
  • April 16 (Varuthini Ekadashi)
  • May 1 (Mohini Ekadashi)
  • May 16 (Apara Ekadashi)
  • May 31 (Nirjala Ekadashi)
  • June 14 (Yogini Ekadashi)
  • June 30 (Devshayani Ekadashi)
  • July 15 (Kamika Ekadashi)
  • July 30 (Pavitra Ekadashi)
  • August 14 (Aja Ekadashi)
  • August 29 (Parsva Ekadashi)
  • September 12 (Indira Ekadashi)
  • September 27 (Papankusha Ekadashi)
  • October 11 (Rama Ekadashi)
  • October 26 (Devutthana Ekadashi)
  • November 10 (Utapanna Ekadashi)
  • November 24 (Mokshada Ekadashi)
  • December 9 (Saphala Ekadashi)
  • December 24 (Putrada Ekadashi)

Ekadashi Calendar 2027

  • January 8 (Shattila Ekadashi)
  • January 22 (Jaya Ekadashi)
  • February 6 (Vijaya Ekadashi)
  • February 21 (Amalaki Ekadashi)
  • March 8 (Papmochani Ekadashi)
  • March 23 (Kamada Ekadashi)
  • April 7 (Varuthini Ekadashi)
  • April 21 (Mohini Ekadashi)
  • May 6 (Apara Ekadashi)
  • May 21 (Nirjala Ekadashi)
  • June 5 (Yogini Ekadashi)
  • June 20 (Devshayani Ekadashi)
  • July 5 (Kamika Ekadashi)
  • July 20 (Pavitra Ekadashi)
  • August 4 (Aja Ekadashi)
  • August 19 (Parsva Ekadashi)
  • September 3 (Indira Ekadashi)
  • September 18 (Papankusha Ekadashi)
  • October 2 (Rama Ekadashi)
  • October 17 (Devutthana Ekadashi)
  • November 1 (Utapanna Ekadashi)
  • November 15 (Mokshada Ekadashi)
  • November 30 (Saphala Ekadashi)
  • December 15 (Putrada Ekadashi)
  • December 30 (Shattila Ekadashi)

Ekadashi Calendar 2028

  • January 14 (Jaya Ekadashi)
  • January 29 (Vijaya Ekadashi)
  • February 13 (Amalaki Ekadashi)
  • February 28 (Papmochani Ekadashi)
  • March 14 (Kamada Ekadashi)
  • March 29 (Varuthini Ekadashi)
  • April 12 (Mohini Ekadashi)
  • April 27 (Apara Ekadashi)
  • May 12 (Nirjala Ekadashi)
  • May 27 (Yogini Ekadashi)
  • June 11 (Devshayani Ekadashi)
  • June 26 (Kamika Ekadashi)
  • July 11 (Pavitra Ekadashi)
  • July 26 (Aja Ekadashi)
  • August 9 (Parsva Ekadashi)
  • August 24 (Indira Ekadashi)
  • September 8 (Papankusha Ekadashi)
  • September 23 (Rama Ekadashi)
  • October 8 (Devutthana Ekadashi)
  • October 22 (Utapanna Ekadashi)
  • November 6 (Mokshada Ekadashi)
  • November 21 (Saphala Ekadashi)
  • December 6 (Putrada Ekadashi)
  • December 21 (Shattila Ekadashi)

Ekadashi Calendar 2029

  • January 5 (Jaya Ekadashi)
  • January 20 (Vijaya Ekadashi)
  • February 4 (Amalaki Ekadashi)
  • February 19 (Papmochani Ekadashi)
  • March 5 (Kamada Ekadashi)
  • March 20 (Varuthini Ekadashi)
  • April 4 (Mohini Ekadashi)
  • April 19 (Apara Ekadashi)
  • May 3 (Nirjala Ekadashi)
  • May 18 (Yogini Ekadashi)
  • June 1 (Devshayani Ekadashi)
  • June 16 (Kamika Ekadashi)
  • June 30 (Pavitra Ekadashi)
  • July 15 (Aja Ekadashi)
  • July 30 (Parsva Ekadashi)
  • August 14 (Indira Ekadashi)
  • August 28 (Papankusha Ekadashi)
  • September 12 (Rama Ekadashi)
  • September 27 (Devutthana Ekadashi)
  • October 11 (Utapanna Ekadashi)
  • October 26 (Mokshada Ekadashi)
  • November 10 (Saphala Ekadashi)
  • November 24 (Putrada Ekadashi)
  • December 9 (Shattila Ekadashi)
  • December 23 (Jaya Ekadashi)

Ekadashi Calendar 2030

  • January 7 (Vijaya Ekadashi)
  • January 22 (Amalaki Ekadashi)
  • February 5 (Papmochani Ekadashi)
  • February 20 (Kamada Ekadashi)
  • March 6 (Varuthini Ekadashi)
  • March 21 (Mohini Ekadashi)
  • April 4 (Apara Ekadashi)
  • April 19 (Nirjala Ekadashi)
  • May 4 (Yogini Ekadashi)
  • May 18 (Devshayani Ekadashi)
  • June 2 (Kamika Ekadashi)
  • June 17 (Pavitra Ekadashi)
  • July 1 (Aja Ekadashi)
  • July 16 (Parsva Ekadashi)
  • July 31 (Indira Ekadashi)
  • August 15 (Papankusha Ekadashi)
  • August 29 (Rama Ekadashi)
  • September 13 (Devutthana Ekadashi)
  • September 27 (Utapanna Ekadashi)
  • October 12 (Mokshada Ekadashi)
  • October 27 (Saphala Ekadashi)
  • November 11 (Putrada Ekadashi)
  • November 25 (Shattila Ekadashi)
  • December 10 (Jaya Ekadashi)
  • December 25 (Vijaya Ekadashi)


Through this journey into the spiritual and health dynamics of Ekadashi fasting, we have traversed the profound synergy between ancient practices and contemporary wellbeing. The essence of Ekadashi signifies more than a ritual; it represents a holistic approach to living, encompassing physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual elevation. This observance underscores the belief in the power of self-discipline and devotion to foster a connection with the divine, purify the soul, and achieve a state of inner peace and enlightenment. Embracing Ekadashi can indeed be a transformative experience, aligning one's actions with their higher purpose and contributing to a balanced and harmonious life.

The significance of Ekadashi extends beyond its religious connotations, offering insights into the benefits of fasting on the body and mind, and inviting a reflection on our daily routines and diet. It encourages a pause, a moment to withdraw from the incessant pace of life and to contemplate the deeper aspects of existence. As we conclude, it is clear that Ekadashi is not merely a date on the calendar but a moment of opportunity—a time to reconnect with one's self, to purify the body and spirit, and to imbibe the virtues of discipline and mindfulness for a healthier, fulfilled life. For those seeking spiritual depth or physical wellbeing, embarking on this revered path promises a journey of discovery and renewal.


1. What are the spiritual advantages of observing Ekadashi fasts?

Fasting during Ekadashi can foster emotional healing, enhance resilience, and cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and harmony. It also strengthens willpower, as the practice requires a disciplined commitment to abstain from food for a designated time period.

2. What are the scientific benefits associated with fasting on Ekadashi?

Ekadashi fasting is beneficial for digestion and metabolism. By refraining from eating, the digestive system gets the opportunity to rest and reset, which enhances its efficiency.

3. Why do people fast on Ekadashi?

The practice of Ekadashi fasting is primarily aimed at spiritual purification and is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, who is considered the protector in Hinduism. This fasting period aligns with the lunar phases, which consist of the Krishna Paksha (new moon) and the Shukla Paksha (waxing moon), each lasting 14 days.

4. Which Ekadashi fasting is particularly beneficial for health?

Nirjala Ekadashi, also known as Pandava Ekadashi, is especially significant for health benefits. Observed without even consuming water on June 18, 2024, this fast is believed to purify the body, mind, and soul. The term 'Nirjala' implies fasting without water, emphasizing the strict nature of this observance.

Author: Alex Pervov

SHAMTAM Founder | Expert in Indian Culture & Spiritual Practices | Photographer & Blogger

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