Have you ever been drawn to the cryptic symbols whispered about in Viking sagas? These symbols, known as runes, hold a power that transcends mere writing. They were an alphabet for the Norse people, but also a gateway to deeper truths and potent magic.
Runes Unveiled
Carved into stone and wood, runes weren't just a way for Vikings to write shopping lists. These symbols were imbued with a deeper magic, used for divination, to understand the whispers of fate, and even to weave spells with chanted verses called galdr.
Exploring Elder Futhark
The Elder Futhark, the most ancient form of runic alphabets, whispers tales of a bygone era. Used by Germanic tribes, including Scandinavians, between the 2nd and 8th centuries, these symbols transcended simple writing. The very word "futhark" echoes this, derived from the first six runes (Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kenaz) – similar to how "alphabet" stems from the first two letters in Phoenician (Aleph, Beth). Carved onto weapons, jewelry, tools, and even stones, these enigmatic symbols have been unearthed on a wealth of artifacts.
The Elder Futhark boasts 24 unique runes, each representing a sound (phoneme). These weren't scattered letters, but were grouped into three sets of eight, called ætt (meaning "clan" or "family"). Each ætt was believed to be overseen by a Norse deity. Freyr and Freyja, the gods of love, fertility, and battle, watched over the first eight. Heimdall, the vigilant guardian of Asgard (the realm of the gods) and Bifrost (the rainbow bridge), presided over the second. Finally, Tyr, the god of war and justice, held dominion over the last eight.
Runes weren't mere letters; they were imbued with a deeper power. Many believe they were used not only for practical purposes, but also for magic and divination. The very word "rune" finds its roots in the Germanic word for "mystery" or "secret," hinting at the reverence with which they were viewed. Norse cultures likely used runes in rituals and for fortune telling, seeking guidance from these enigmatic symbols.
Today, the Elder Futhark continues to spark curiosity. Some use them as a tool for connecting with their intuition or higher selves, while others seek glimpses of the future through rune selection. By setting an intention and choosing a specific rune, you might unlock the key to manifesting your desires or gaining clarity for a loved one.
Join us as we explore the mysteries of the Elder Futhark on the SHAMTAM magazine, diving into the world of Fehu (wealth), Uruz (strength), Thurisaz (protection), and many more!
🌀 Fehu – Rune of Luck

Rune: Fehu (pronounced Fay-Who)
Meaning: Cattle
Color: Gold, brown
Gemstone: Carnelian (associated with prosperity and vitality)
Key Concepts
- Wealth (material and personal)
- Money and possessions
- Food and sustenance
- Initial conditions and beginnings
- Luck and good fortune
- Personal power and empowerment
- Circulation of energy and resources
- Financial strength and abundance
- Prosperity and growth
- Delegation of energy
- Power transference and projection (often seen as the "sending" rune)
- Drawing positive energy and resources towards oneself
- Promotion of personal and societal evolution
- Changing circumstances for the better
- Increase in personal wealth
- Beginner's mind and fresh starts
Fehu, often depicted as a simple horizontal line with a diagonal line branching upwards, represents livestock – a form of wealth and security in Viking culture. More broadly, it symbolizes abundance, success, and the resources needed to thrive. Fehu encourages us to cultivate a sense of gratitude for what we already have while actively pursuing our goals.
Fehu in Divination
Drawing Fehu in a reading can signify an increase in wealth, new opportunities, or a fresh start. It may also represent a time to invest your energy wisely, delegate tasks effectively, or step into your personal power. However, Fehu can also warn of clinging too tightly to possessions or focusing solely on material wealth.
🌀 Uruz – Rune of Strength

Rune: Uruz (pronounced Oo-rooz)
Meaning: Wild Ox
Color: Deep red, green
Gemstone: Garnet (associated with strength and endurance)
Key Concepts
- Physical strength and endurance
- Health and vitality
- Determination and perseverance
- Personal transformation and healing
- Manifestation of goals and desires
- Courage to face challenges
- Untamed potential
- Sudden changes or breakthroughs
- Shaping and molding primal forces
- Developing mental and physical health
- Strengthening personal willpower and resolve
- Overcoming immediate challenges with tenacity
- Catalyzing change and personal growth
- Survival instincts and capacities
- Awakening to one's true potential
Uruz, symbolized by a shape resembling an upside-down U, represents the wild ox, a creature admired for its raw strength and stamina. This rune signifies potent energies of health, vitality, and raw power. It challenges us to harness our inner strength to endure adversities and invites profound transformation and self-empowerment.
Uruz in Divination
When Uruz appears in a rune reading, it often signals a time of great energy and health, urging the querent to leverage their inner strength to overcome challenges. It might also indicate a period of significant personal transformation or the need to adapt to changing circumstances with resilience. However, it warns against reckless behavior that could lead to unnecessary risks.
🌀 Thurisaz – Rune of Protection
Rune: Thurisaz (pronounced Thu-ree-saz)
Meaning: Thorn or Giant
Color: Red, black
Gemstone: Hematite (associated with protection and grounding)
Key Concepts
- Protection and defense
- Reactive force
- Conflict and opposition
- Overcoming obstacles through resistance
- Catalyst for change
- Awakening of personal power
- Directing energy outward to overcome challenges
- Cutting away what is no longer needed
- Serving as a warning against potential threats
- Providing protective barriers
- Encouraging reflection before action
- Breaking through barriers and constraints
- Energizing and empowering oneself in face of adversity
- Awakening to challenges and adversaries
- Initiating conflict that leads to resolution
Thurisaz, represented visually as a pointed thorn, conveys protection and the aggressive power of a giant. It embodies the natural defense mechanisms that guard against harm and the challenges that prompt personal growth. This rune encourages standing up for oneself and symbolizes a shield against threats, inviting the use of power to protect and defend.
Thurisaz in Divination
In rune readings, Thurisaz often appears as a signal to exercise caution and protect oneself against potential dangers. It suggests that now is the time to confront challenges directly or push through barriers that are holding you back. Conversely, it can warn of unresolved conflicts and the need to fortify one’s defenses to prevent harm or loss.
🌀 Ansuz – Rune of Wisdom
Rune: Ansuz (pronounced Ahn-sooz)
Meaning: God or Mouth
Color: Blue, grey
Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli (associated with wisdom and truth)
Key Concepts
- Divine inspiration and revelation
- Communication, both divine and mundane
- Wisdom and authority
- The power of words and messages
- Ancestral knowledge and sacred lore
- Spiritual consciousness
- Connection with the gods and higher realms
- Gaining and sharing knowledge
- Receiving messages and information
- Harnessing and expressing divine or spiritual insight
- Enhancing communication skills
- Facilitating clear thought and eloquence
- Connecting with spiritual guides or ancestors
- Translating spiritual knowledge into practical wisdom
- Advancing in personal growth through learning
Ansuz, often depicted as a rune resembling a forked branch, signifies the connection to the divine and the transmission of knowledge through speech. It represents the sacred breath and the spoken word as tools for teaching, learning, and understanding. This rune highlights the importance of wisdom, advice, and messages that come from higher powers or respected sources.
Ansuz in Divination
Drawing Ansuz in a reading may indicate a new learning opportunity, the arrival of important information, or a period of divine inspiration. It suggests that guidance from a higher power or an authoritative figure may be forthcoming. Alternatively, it could signify the need to speak one’s truth or communicate more effectively in order to achieve understanding and growth.
🌀 Raidho – Rune of Travel
Rune: Raidho (pronounced Rye-dhoh)
Meaning: Ride or Journey
Color: Red, brown
Gemstone: Amethyst (associated with protection during travel)
Key Concepts
- Physical and spiritual journeys
- Movement and progress in life
- Rhythm and order
- Right action and correct path in life
- Protection during travel
- Decision-making and leadership
- Evolution and personal growth
- Navigation and exploration
- Aligning with the rhythms of nature
- Traveling both physically and spiritually
- Facilitating change and personal transformation
- Directing energy constructively
- Ensuring justice and legal matters
- Encouraging personal leadership and autonomy
- Advancing goals through movement and action
Raidho, which visually resembles a riding chariot, symbolizes the journey of life and the motion towards a goal. This rune emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with the world's natural rhythm and acknowledging life as a continual path of learning and discovery. It encourages alignment with one’s true purpose and the correct course of action in both physical and metaphysical pursuits.
Raidho in Divination
Drawing Raidho in a reading often signifies upcoming travel or a life transition that involves moving from one phase to another. It could also point to the need for careful navigation through a complex situation or a reminder to stay true to one’s path. This rune may also suggest that movement or change is necessary to achieve progress and growth.
🌀 Kenaz – Rune of Light
Rune: Kenaz (pronounced "KAY-nahz")
Meaning: Torch or Light
Color: Fiery red, orange
Gemstone: Bloodstone (associated with vitality and strength)
Key Concepts
- Enlightenment and knowledge
- Illumination and clarity
- Creativity and inspiration
- Transformation and regeneration
- Revealing hidden things
- Vitality and strength
- Technical skill and craftsmanship
- The fire of life and consciousness
- Igniting the creative spark within
- Shedding light on dark or unclear situations
- Facilitating learning and understanding
- Promoting artistic and technical abilities
- Overcoming ignorance and gaining wisdom
- Healing and rejuvenation
- Fire as a tool for transformation
Kenaz, visually resembling a flaming torch, represents enlightenment, understanding, and the power of transformation through knowledge. It symbolizes the quest for truth and clarity, often bringing to light that which has been hidden. Kenaz encourages the pursuit of creative and technical endeavors, highlighting the use of fire both literally and metaphorically to reshape and define.
Kenaz in Divination
When drawn in a reading, Kenaz often signals a time of opening new paths through inspiration and innovation. It may indicate a breakthrough in understanding or a new way of seeing a problem. This rune can also suggest a period of growth through learning new skills or embracing one’s creative impulses. On the other hand, Kenaz warns of the dangers of being burnt by misusing the fire of knowledge or creativity.
🌀 Gebo – Rune of Gift
Rune: Gebo (pronounced "GAY-bo")
Meaning: Gift or Partnership
Color: Deep blue
Gemstone: Sapphire (associated with loyalty and mutual understanding)
Key Concepts
- Generosity and giving without expectation of return
- Balance and equality in relationships
- Hospitality and social harmony
- Partnerships and alliances
- Reciprocal exchange
- Sacrifice and personal responsibility
- Legal matters and oaths
- Establishing and maintaining balanced relationships
- Fostering mutual benefit through generosity
- Encouraging fairness and justice
- Strengthening bonds and alliances
- Ensuring that what is given comes back
- Honouring agreements and promises
- Legal bindings and contractual obligations
Gebo, visually represented as an "X", embodies the essence of exchange and balance in relationships, highlighting the importance of generosity and reciprocal benefits. It underscores the value of gifts, not merely in material terms but also in broader social and spiritual contexts. Gebo advocates for the virtues of hospitality and the deepening of bonds through fair exchange.
Gebo in Divination
In divination, drawing Gebo suggests a focus on partnerships and agreements. It may indicate a need to give more to a relationship or to expect a gift in some form, emphasizing that this should be without strings attached. Gebo is also a reminder to honor commitments and engage in fair dealings. Conversely, it warns against unequal exchanges where one party may be giving too much or not enough, potentially leading to disharmony.
🌀 Wunjo – Rune of Joy
Rune: Wunjo (pronounced "WOON-yo")
Meaning: Joy or Bliss
Color: Yellow
Gemstone: Amber (associated with happiness and clearing negativity)
Key Concepts
- Joy, pleasure, and happiness
- Harmony and well-being
- Success and fulfillment of wishes
- Celebration and reward
- Positivity and optimism
- Emotional satisfaction
- Achievements and accomplishments
- Family and kinship harmony
- Cultivation of happiness and emotional well-being
- Building and maintaining joyful relationships
- Realization of goals and dreams
- Bringing positive outcomes to efforts
- Encouragement of community and family ties
- Celebration of successes and achievements
Wunjo is symbolized by a figure resembling a "P" and represents the pinnacle of achievement and the bliss that comes from successful endeavors. It is a beacon of positivity, often associated with the light-heartedness that emerges from true happiness. Wunjo invites us to find joy in our connections and achievements, emphasizing the importance of positivity in fostering successful outcomes.
Wunjo in Divination
Drawing Wunjo in a rune reading is a highly favorable sign, often indicating that good fortune and happiness are on their way. It suggests a period of harmony and the successful conclusion of a project or phase of life. Conversely, it can serve as a reminder to cherish and foster the aspects of life that bring us joy, suggesting that now is a good time to celebrate life’s blessings and share your happiness with others.
🌀 Hagalaz – Rune of Disruption
Rune: Hagalaz (pronounced "HAH-gah-lahz")
Meaning: Hail or Hailstone
Color: Dark blue or black
Gemstone: Obsidian (associated with protection and grounding)
Key Concepts
- Disruption and sudden change
- Challenges and hardships
- Cleansing and clearing the old
- Awakening and transformative disruption
- Natural forces and unavoidable destiny
- Destruction that leads to renewal
- Testing of resilience and strength
- Opportunity hidden within trials
- Facing and overcoming challenges
- Breaking down outdated structures
- Inducing change to promote growth
- Preparing for the unpredictable
- Strengthening spiritual and emotional fortitude
- Cleansing life of what no longer serves
- Embracing the transformative power of nature
Hagalaz, represented as a vertical line crossed by two diagonal lines, embodies the raw power of nature and the unavoidable changes it can bring. It symbolizes hail, a natural phenomenon that can be both destructive and cleansing. This rune reminds us that through disruption comes the opportunity for renewal and significant personal growth.
Hagalaz in Divination
Drawing Hagalaz in a rune reading often signals a period of upheaval or unexpected change. It may suggest encountering sudden disruptions that, while initially challenging, are necessary for clearing out the old to make way for new growth. It encourages embracing these transformations as catalysts for change, highlighting the importance of resilience in times of uncertainty.
🌀 Nauthiz – Rune of Need
Rune: Nauthiz (pronounced "NOW-thiz")
Meaning: Need or Necessity
Color: Black or dark gray
Gemstone: Onyx (associated with self-control and resistance)
Key Concepts
- Constraint and necessary limitations
- Overcoming hardships through resilience
- The necessity that drives innovation
- Endurance and patience in adversity
- Self-reliance and personal strength
- Resistance leading to personal growth
- Identifying one’s needs versus wants
- Learning through difficulties
- Facing life's challenges with determination
- Developing strength through resistance
- Harnessing the power of need to drive progress
- Survival instincts and the will to overcome
- Creative solutions borne out of limitations
- Transformation through struggle
- Preparation and foresight in difficult times
Nauthiz is depicted as a vertical line with two diagonal lines intersecting it, resembling a sideways "Z." This rune conveys the hardships that often come uninvited into our lives, symbolizing the trials that forge our strength and character. Nauthiz teaches the importance of confronting and embracing these challenges as catalysts for personal development and self-discovery.
Nauthiz in Divination
When Nauthiz appears in a rune reading, it often indicates a phase where one may feel constrained or faced with significant challenges. It serves as a reminder that through necessity and need, one can find the motivation to innovate and overcome. This rune encourages embracing the hardships as opportunities for growth and learning, suggesting that true strength is built in the fires of adversity.
🌀 Isa – Rune of Ice
Rune: Isa (pronounced "EE-sah")
Meaning: Ice
Color: Blue or clear
Gemstone: Clear quartz (associated with clarity and stasis)
Key Concepts
- Stillness and immobility
- Clarity through pause and reflection
- Preservation and resistance to change
- Coldness in emotion or relationships
- Challenges in progress or movement
- Stability and calmness
- Blocking or stopping forces
- Restraint and containment
- Halting actions or decisions
- Encouraging meditation and introspection
- Creating barriers for protection or delay
- Emphasizing the need for caution
- Freezing a situation to maintain the status quo
- Encouraging reflection before action
- Resisting unwanted influences
- Cooling down heated situations
Isa is represented as a single vertical line, simple yet stark, symbolizing the solid, unyielding form of ice. This rune reflects moments of stillness and standstill in life, where progress seems to be halted, requiring patience and reflection. Isa emphasizes the value of clarity and the importance of a pause during overwhelming circumstances, promoting a time for regrouping and reassessing one's path.
Isa in Divination
Drawing Isa in a rune reading can indicate a period of little or no progress, suggesting a need to stop and reassess one’s current situation. It warns against hasty decisions and encourages the querent to find clarity in stillness. This rune can also signify emotional coldness or isolation, reminding one to thaw barriers that prevent connection. Isa's presence may also be advising to preserve current states until a more favorable time for action arrives.
🌀 Jera – Rune of Harvest
Rune: Jera (pronounced "YEH-rah")
Meaning: Year or Harvest
Color: Deep green, gold
Gemstone: Amber (associated with cycles and rejuvenation)
Key Concepts
- Cycles and seasons
- Reward and fruition
- Patience and timing
- Effort leading to results
- Natural progression
- Fertility and growth
- Reaping what is sown
- Completion and renewal
- Understanding and respecting natural cycles
- Promoting growth through efforts over time
- Encouraging patience for rewards
- Highlighting the importance of timing in actions
- Ensuring what is sown is ready to be reaped
- Facilitating endings and new beginnings
- Supporting agricultural and personal growth
- Aiding in the realization of long-term projects
Jera is represented by a symbol resembling two mirrored 'J's or sickles, signifying the interconnected cycles of nature and the importance of timing. It embodies the principle that efforts made will eventually yield results, aligning with the natural cycle of growth and harvest. Jera teaches the lesson of patience and trust in the process, reminding us that rewards come at the right time when conditions align.
Jera in Divination
Drawing Jera in a rune reading is generally positive, indicating that past efforts are about to bear fruit. It suggests that the querent is entering a phase of payoff and rewards, aligned with the timing of their past actions. Jera may also advise that while immediate results are not visible, continued patience and perseverance are necessary. It's a reminder that everything has its season, and what is deserved will come in its own time, often signaling prosperity, success, or the completion of a cycle.
🌀 Ihwaz – Rune of Yew Tree
Rune: Ihwaz (also known as Eihwaz; pronounced "EE-waz")
Meaning: Yew Tree
Color: Dark green, black
Gemstone: Jet (associated with protection and grounding)
Key Concepts
- Endurance and resilience
- Transformation and rebirth
- Connection between life and death
- Protection and defense
- Inner strength and stability
- Passage through difficulties
- Invocation of ancient wisdom
- Spiritual development
- Strengthening personal boundaries
- Protecting against external influences
- Promoting growth through challenges
- Enhancing personal resolve and fortitude
- Facilitating transformation and renewal
- Connecting with ancestral wisdom
- Assisting in transitions and change
- Aiding in the manifestation of spiritual strength
Ihwaz symbolizes the yew tree, renowned for its longevity and association with both life and death in ancient cultures. This rune embodies endurance, resilience, and the capacity to thrive in harsh conditions. It also represents a deep connection with ancestral roots and the spiritual realm, suggesting a bridge between worlds or phases of life.
Ihwaz in Divination
When Ihwaz appears in a rune reading, it often signals a time of testing or challenge, emphasizing the need for inner strength and perseverance. It may indicate that the querent is protected during their trials, or it could suggest the necessity of facing life's darker aspects to foster growth and transformation. Drawing Ihwaz can also be a call to connect more deeply with one's spiritual roots or to prepare for significant changes that involve endings and new beginnings.
🌀 Perthro – Rune of Mystery
Rune: Perthro (pronounced "PER-thro")
Meaning: Dice Cup or Lot
Color: Deep blue, silver
Gemstone: Aquamarine (associated with clarity and prophecy)
Key Concepts
- Uncertainty and fate
- Chance and luck
- Mysteries and secrets
- Hidden things and occult abilities
- Intuition and prophecy
- Games of chance and gambling
- Analysis and strategy
- Deep understanding of patterns and fate
- Embracing the unknown and the hidden aspects of life
- Enhancing magical and intuitive abilities
- Engaging in deep self-analysis
- Revealing secrets and truths through divination
- Understanding the role of destiny and free will
- Gaining wisdom through reflection
- Developing strategic thinking in uncertain situations
- Managing risk and randomness
Perthro is often associated with the deep mysteries of life, symbolized by the dice cup used in gaming, which represents fate and the unknown. It suggests a phase of unveiling hidden truths or insights and dealing with the elements of chance and destiny. Perthro invites us to explore the deeper, often hidden forces at work in our lives, enhancing our understanding of the cosmic play of chance and choice.
Perthro in Divination
When drawn in a rune reading, Perthro may indicate a period of uncertainty where much is yet to be revealed, urging the querent to rely on their intuition. It often points to issues of fate and destiny coming into play, suggesting that outcomes may not yet be determined and that there are elements of surprise and hidden influences at work. This rune can also highlight potential revelations of secrets or important truths, advising readiness for unexpected turns of events. It can also be a sign to engage more deeply with one's spiritual or magical practices, particularly those involving divination or the occult.
🌀 Algiz – Rune of Protection
Rune: Algiz (pronounced "AL-geez")
Meaning: Elk or Protection
Color: Silver, white
Gemstone: Moonstone (associated with intuition and protection)
Key Concepts
- Protection and defense
- Connection to the divine
- Instinct and intuition
- Guardian spirits and guides
- Safety and sanctuary
- Alertness and awareness
- Spiritual awakening and enlightenment
- Creating protective barriers or boundaries
- Seeking guidance from higher powers or guardian spirits
- Strengthening intuition and inner wisdom
- Cultivating a sense of spiritual protection and security
- Remaining vigilant and alert to potential dangers
- Opening oneself to divine inspiration and enlightenment
- Honoring ancestral spirits and wisdom
- Embracing one's inner strength and courage
Algiz is symbolized by the image of an elk's antlers, representing protection and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. It serves as a shield against negative influences and encourages the individual to trust their instincts and intuition. Algiz reminds us to remain vigilant and alert, seeking guidance from higher powers and ancestral spirits.
Algiz in Divination
When Algiz appears in a rune reading, it often signifies a need for protection or a reminder to trust one's intuition. It suggests that the querent may be in a vulnerable position and needs to take measures to safeguard themselves physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Algiz can also indicate the presence of guardian spirits or guides offering assistance and protection. Overall, it is a rune of strength and assurance, guiding the individual through challenging times with grace and resilience.
🌀 Sowilo – Rune of the Sun
Rune: Sowilo (pronounced "SO-wee-lo")
Meaning: Sun
Color: Gold, yellow
Gemstone: Topaz (associated with clarity and energy)
Key Concepts
- Success and victory
- Clarity and enlightenment
- Health and vitality
- The higher self and true will
- Illumination and guidance
- Honor and personal achievement
- Power of positivity and affirmation
- Energy and strength
- Life force and vigor
- Harnessing personal power
- Achieving success in endeavors
- Clearing away obstacles to enlightenment
- Bringing energy and enthusiasm to a project
- Pursuing personal goals with clarity and focus
- Illuminating the path forward
- Energizing oneself and others
- Embracing one's inner strength and potential
Sowilo represents the power of the sun, symbolizing success, vitality, and enlightenment. It is a rune of guidance and energy, encouraging the seeker to pursue their goals with clarity and vigor. Sowilo is about harnessing one's inner strength to achieve personal success and fulfillment.
Sowilo in Divination
Drawing Sowilo in a reading often signals a time of great potential and positive outcomes. It suggests victory and achievement are within reach, and that now is the time to act decisively. Sowilo encourages self-confidence and asserts that your efforts will be successful. It is a beacon of hope and motivation, reminding you to stay focused on your aspirations and to trust in the power of your own will.
🌀 Tiwaz – Rune of Justice
Rune: Tiwaz (pronounced "TEE-waz")
Meaning: Justice
Color: Blue, silver
Gemstone: Sapphire (associated with truth and fairness)
Key Concepts
- Justice and legal matters
- Honor and ethical conduct
- Victory and success in battles
- Leadership and authority
- Moral integrity and fairness
- Sacrifice for the greater good
- Rational thought and problem-solving
- Strategy and competitive advantage
- Balance and harmony in decision-making
- Establishing justice and legal resolution
- Upholding truth and ethical standards
- Navigating conflicts or disputes
- Developing leadership and authority
- Enhancing strategic and rational thinking
- Making fair and balanced decisions
- Achieving victory through honor and valor
- Sacrificing personal desires for collective benefit
Tiwaz is named after the Norse god Tyr, who is associated with law and heroic glory. It represents justice, fairness, and the moral integrity required to uphold the law. Tiwaz is about making balanced decisions and maintaining ethical standards in all dealings. It encourages sacrifice for the greater good and highlights the importance of leadership and authority.
Tiwaz in Divination
Drawing Tiwaz in a reading suggests a need to focus on justice and fairness. It may indicate legal matters or conflicts needing resolution through ethical means. Tiwaz advises you to lead with integrity and to fight for what is right, promising success if you maintain your moral standards. It also serves as a reminder to balance personal desires with the needs of the collective, ensuring that actions are not only just but also beneficial for all involved.
🌀 Berkana – Rune of Growth
Rune: Berkana (pronounced "Bear-kah-nah")
Meaning: Growth
Color: Green, brown
Gemstone: Emerald (associated with nurturing and rejuvenation)
Key Concepts
- Growth and renewal
- Fertility and birth
- Nurturing and caretaking
- Healing and regeneration
- Personal development
- New beginnings and fresh starts
- Creativity and manifestation of ideas
- Protection and shelter
- Motherhood and family
- Encouraging growth in various aspects of life
- Promoting fertility and the birthing of new ideas
- Healing physical or emotional wounds
- Nurturing oneself and others
- Fostering new projects or enterprises
- Protecting that which is newly created or vulnerable
- Supporting personal and spiritual development
- Embracing changes that lead to renewal
Berkana symbolizes the birch tree, known for its capacity for growth, renewal, and adaptation. It represents fertility and the nurturing care required to sustain growth. Berkana is deeply connected to the energies of motherhood and the creation of life, encouraging protection and development of the young and new.
Berkana in Divination
Drawing Berkana in a reading often suggests a period of personal growth or the start of a new project. It may also indicate a phase of healing and regeneration, urging you to nurture yourself and others. Berkana's appearance can signify the need to embrace a creative or nurturing approach to current challenges, highlighting the importance of patience and care in fostering new beginnings. It can also suggest a focus on family matters or the need to protect a vulnerable aspect of your life.
🌀 Ehwaz – Rune of Horse
Rune: Ehwaz (pronounced "Eh-waz")
Meaning: Horse
Color: White, gray
Gemstone: Aventurine (associated with movement and vitality)
Key Concepts
- Trust and loyalty
- Partnership and teamwork
- Movement and progress
- Change and transformation
- Travel and relocation
- Harmony and balance in relationships
- Adaptability and reliability
- Speed and stamina
- Building and maintaining trustworthy relationships
- Facilitating changes and transitions smoothly
- Enhancing communication and understanding in partnerships
- Encouraging travel and new experiences
- Adapting to new circumstances effectively
- Balancing various aspects of life
- Achieving goals through cooperation
Ehwaz represents the horse, a vital companion in Norse culture, symbolizing trust, movement, and partnership. This rune underscores the importance of loyalty and mutual respect in relationships, whether personal, business, or spiritual. It emphasizes the journey alongside the destination, highlighting the benefits of working harmoniously towards common goals.
Ehwaz in Divination
Drawing Ehwaz in a reading often signals a time of significant change or transition that is best navigated through partnership and cooperation. It may suggest travel or a move of residence or workplace. Ehwaz indicates that trust and reliability will be crucial to your success and encourages you to foster harmony in your interactions. This rune also advises adaptability and open communication as means to ensure progress and balance in your endeavors.
🌀 Mannaz – Rune of Mankind
Rune: Mannaz (pronounced "Man-az")
Meaning: Mankind
Color: Blue, red
Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli (associated with wisdom and connectivity)
Key Concepts
- Humanity and human culture
- The Self and the collective
- Social order and cooperation
- Intelligence and the mind
- Common goals and community
- Reflection and self-awareness
- Personal identity within the group
- Enhancing personal and collective awareness
- Promoting social harmony and respect
- Encouraging cooperation and teamwork
- Fostering intellectual understanding and communication
- Cultivating self-awareness and the search for personal purpose
- Strengthening community bonds and shared responsibilities
Mannaz symbolizes the essence of humanity, community, and social interaction. It represents the connection and mutual respect necessary for society's success and the individual's personal growth within that collective framework. This rune encourages embracing community and teamwork while maintaining personal identity and self-respect.
Mannaz in Divination
Drawing Mannaz in a reading often suggests a period where community involvement and human connections will come to the forefront. It can indicate the need to reflect on one's role within their community and how they contribute to their social environment. This rune may also signal that cooperative efforts or partnerships will be beneficial and that you should be open to learning from and supporting others. It encourages self-examination and understanding one's impact and responsibilities within larger groups.
🌀 Laguz – Rune of Water
Rune: Laguz (pronounced "Lah-gooze")
Meaning: Water
Color: Blue, deep green
Gemstone: Aquamarine (associated with fluidity and clarity)
Key Concepts
- Flow and change
- Intuition and emotions
- The unconscious mind
- Healing and cleansing
- Fertility and growth
- Adaptability and flexibility
- Depth of feeling
- Psychic abilities
- Encouraging emotional healing and balance
- Enhancing psychic abilities and intuition
- Promoting adaptability and acceptance of change
- Navigating through transitions and challenges
- Purifying and renewing personal energy
- Connecting with the spiritual realm through dreams
- Understanding deeper truths and mysteries
Laguz is deeply connected to water and its properties, symbolizing the flow of life, intuition, and the emotional and psychic aspects of the self. It represents the vast, unknown depths of the human psyche, emphasizing the importance of diving deep into emotions for true understanding and growth. Laguz encourages a harmonious flow with life's currents and the exploration of the subconscious mind for inner truths.
Laguz in Divination
Drawing Laguz in a reading typically suggests that it's a time to pay attention to dreams, intuition, and emotional insights. It may indicate a period of healing and cleansing is needed, or that one should be more adaptable to change. This rune can also suggest that you are entering a phase of heightened emotional sensitivity or psychic awareness, urging you to trust your instincts and feelings as guides.
🌀 Ingwaz – Rune of Earth
Rune: Ingwaz (pronounced "Ing-wahz")
Meaning: Earth
Color: Dark green, brown
Gemstone: Jet (associated with stability and protection)
Key Concepts
- Fertility and growth
- Common sense and grounding
- Completion and closure
- New beginnings
- Internal growth
- Potentials about to manifest
- Safety and protection
- Encapsulating and storing energy until it is needed
- Achieving desired outcomes through focused intention
- Grounding ideas into reality
- Bringing projects or phases to an end
- Safeguarding the home and family
- Promoting peace and prosperity
Ingwaz symbolizes the potential energy stored within the earth, the seed waiting to sprout, and the culmination of efforts that leads to a new beginning. This rune speaks to the heart of grounding, suggesting both an end to a cycle and the gestation of the new. It reflects the natural order, emphasizing completion and new phases of growth, often pointing to the need for a solid foundation upon which to build.
Ingwaz in Divination
Drawing Ingwaz in a rune reading may indicate that a period of gestation is nearing completion, and something new is about to emerge. It can signal the resolution of a matter or the conclusion of something in one’s life, paving the way for new endeavors. This rune encourages patience and reminds one to allow natural progress to unfold. It also emphasizes the importance of protection and maintaining a stable, secure environment.
🌀 Dagaz – Rune of Daylight
Rune: Dagaz (pronounced "Dah-gahz")
Meaning: Daylight
Color: Bright yellow, gold
Gemstone: Amber (associated with clarity and vitality)
Key Concepts
- Enlightenment and awakening
- Clarity and insight
- Transformation and renewal
- Positive change and progress
- Balance and harmony
- Awareness and consciousness
- Illuminating the path forward
- Bringing hidden truths to light
- Achieving clarity of thought and purpose
- Embracing new beginnings
- Balancing opposing forces
- Finding joy in the present moment
Dagaz symbolizes the dawn, representing a new day filled with the promise of enlightenment and positive transformation. It signifies a moment of clarity, where darkness gives way to light, and obstacles are overcome. This rune heralds a time of awakening and awareness, guiding one towards a brighter future.
Dagaz in Divination
Drawing Dagaz in a rune reading indicates a period of profound insight and enlightenment. It suggests that a situation may be reaching a point of resolution, leading to newfound clarity and understanding. Dagaz encourages embracing change and finding balance in all aspects of life. It reminds one to remain open to opportunities for growth and to approach challenges with optimism and confidence.
🌀 Othala – Rune of Ancestry
Rune: Othala (pronounced "Oh-thah-lah")
Meaning: Ancestry
Color: Earthy tones, deep brown
Gemstone: Jasper (associated with stability and connection to the earth)
Key Concepts
- Ancestral heritage
- Inheritance and legacy
- Home and family
- Stability and security
- Tradition and roots
- Land and property
- Honoring one's roots and heritage
- Establishing a sense of belonging
- Creating a stable foundation
- Passing down wisdom and traditions
- Preserving cultural identity
- Building a strong family unit
- Finding security and protection in familiar surroundings
Othala embodies the concept of ancestral inheritance and the bonds that connect us to our family and cultural heritage. It represents the physical and spiritual wealth passed down through generations, including land, property, and traditions. Othala encourages us to honor our roots and draw strength from the wisdom of our ancestors as we navigate the present.
Othala in Divination
Drawing Othala in a rune reading suggests a focus on family, home, and heritage. It may indicate a time to reconnect with one's roots, seek guidance from ancestral wisdom, or create a sense of belonging in one's surroundings. Othala reminds us to cherish the bonds of family and community, finding security and stability in the traditions and values that have been passed down through generations.
Our exploration has unveiled the rich meanings and interpretations of the Elder Futhark runes, from Fehu representing wealth to Othala symbolizing ancestry. These ancient symbols offer insights into personal growth, protection, wisdom, and more. Discover the power of the runes and enhance your spiritual journey with SHAMTAM's collection of runes, including jewelry and t-shirts available for purchase. Explore our offerings to incorporate the magic of the runes into your daily life and spiritual practice. 🌀